• First announcement was posted on March 21 - also available as PDF.
  • Second announcement was posted on May 21 - also available as PDF.
  • Registration is now available in electronic form (May 16)


  • Registration: September 15, 2010.
  • Abstract submission: August 30, 2010.
  • Advance fee payment: August 30, 2010.


Address of the local organising committee:

Department of Biochemistry, Molecular and Structural Biology
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
tel.: (+386 1) 477 3854
fax: (+386 1) 477 3984


The meeting will start on Saturday, September 25 late afternoon with registration, followed by dinner and an informal get-together of the participants. The last full day of the programme is Tuesday, September 28 and check-outs and departures are scheduled for September 29. Please plan your flights accordingly: arrival September 25  morning/early afternoon, departure September 29 afternoon (if possible after 2 p.m.). Please keep in mind that there will be no airport shuttle available on September 28.

Hotel reservations will be completed by the organizers according to room type indicated in your registration form. We have reserved a range of rooms in the 4-star and the 3-star hotel for our participants. There is thus no need for you to make hotel arrangements with the Bernardin Resort for yourself. If you wish to prolong your stay elsewhere, please take care of your accommodation individually. A free conference shuttle will be organized on September 25 and September 29 for transfers from/to the airport. Please send us your arrival/departure times using the form so we can plan the shuttle service on time.

Advance fee payment will be possible by bank transfer, cheque or credit cards (only MasterCard and Visa are accepted). Advance payment deadline is September 1, 2010. On-site payments will be possible in cash only.

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