• First announcement was posted on March 21 - also available as PDF.
  • Second announcement was posted on May 21 - also available as PDF.
  • Registration is now available in electronic form (May 16)


  • Registration: September 15, 2010.
  • Abstract submission: August 30, 2010.
  • Advance fee payment: August 30, 2010.


Address of the local organising committee:

Department of Biochemistry, Molecular and Structural Biology
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39
SI-1000 Ljubljana
tel.: (+386 1) 477 3854
fax: (+386 1) 477 3984


One-page abstracts will be published in the Symposium booklet. Abstracts are expected from invited speakers, short lecture presenters and poster presenters equally.

Online abstract submission...


Poster boards will be 90 cm wide by 105 cm high. Recommended poster size is thus 80 cm by 90 cm.

Abstract submission guidelines

Abstracts should be prepared on a single A4 format page with 3 cm margins (print area 15 x 24 cm). The preferred font size is 12 (Times Roman or similar fonts are recommended). Your abstract should include:
· Title of your work (bold typeface, centered, font size 14)
· Authors (centered, the presenting author underlined)
· Affiliation and address (italics, font size 11, centered)
· The body of your abstract (text can be subdivided into several paragraphs with blank lines in-between)
· References (only a few and when really required; font size 10)
Include single blank lines between the title and the authors, between authors and their addresses and between the body of your abstract and the references (if there are any). The body of the abstract should be preceded by two blank lines.
In the case your abstract is too long to fit into the 15 x 24 cm form, you can decrease the font size of the body of your abstract (to 11).
Abstracts with unproper formatting will be reformatted by the editors without prior notice.

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